Over 600 primary schools and charity organisations are in our waiting list for free food.

A lack of food and funding is forcing us to say no to thousands of families who desperately need our support. £30 can help deliver 87 meals, and £10.2 a month can feed a Londoner daily.

Help fight hunger every day of the year

Set a MONTHLY gift

we are LONDON'S biggest food redistribution charity

The cost of food has hit record levels and Londoners are struggling. Meanwhile, tonnes of good food are wasted every day.

The Felix Project rescues surplus food from across the food industry - including supermarkets, restaurants, farms and more. If we did not use it, it would be wasted.

We deliver our food to over 1,000 charities and schools to help children and families, the elderly, the homeless, and more.

Where your donation goes

79p in every £1 is spent directly on our mission to rescue and deliver surplus food for people in need. We run a huge logistics operation spanning four warehouses, one kitchen, one green scheme and hundreds of vans. Over 800 amazing volunteers work tirelessly 6 days a week to fight hunger and food waste, which keeps the running of Felix as efficient as possible.

I first heard about The Felix Project a few years ago, and was shocked at some of the statistics around food waste. So when my husband and I moved to Enfield last year, we signed up to help. We were motivated to help a cause we felt passionate about, and thought it would be a great way to meet people in our new local community.

Sophie , Enfield Volunteer