In 2023 The Felix Project was able to rescue more food, give out more meals and engage with more volunteers than ever before.

Against a hugely challenging backdrop, and thanks to incredible support from our corporate partners, food suppliers, volunteers, donors, and others we rescued 13,394 tonnes of food from 322 different suppliers, redistributed the equivalent of 32 million meals, and welcomed more than15,000 volunteers who gave up 150,000 hours of their time to help us sort, prepare and deliver the produce.

You can learn more about the incredible work we're doing and how you can get involved by downloading our impact report below.

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With a little help from our friends...

The Felix Project festive challenge returns for new year

The Felix Project’s Santa Stair Climb is set to return this festive season, and it’s hoped 1,000 people will conquer the climb.

More than two thirds of teachers in England are concerned children will experience holiday hunger

More than two thirds of teachers in England are concerned children will experience holiday hunger

Felix celebrates success at Grocer Awards

Felix celebrates success at Grocer Awards

The Felix Project hosted a webinar looking at how to tackle take food waste

The Felix Project hosted its first ever food-industry webinar