We rescue high-quality surplus food from nearly 500 food supply partners and are part of the FareShare UK network. We redistribute this food for free to over 1,000 community organisations, schools, and holiday programmes across London. If you share our vision of a London where nobody goes hungry and good food is never wasted, then we invite you to consider supporting our work.

While unrestricted funding would be most welcome, we are happy to discuss restricting grants to specific areas of work such as:

  • Felix’s Kitchen where we create up to 5,000 nutritious meals each day from surplus food
  • Weekly food deliveries to primary schools and/or holiday programmes through our Schools Programme
  • Our Central London Green Scheme that makes use of electric vans and bicycles to deliver food
  • New Depot and Kitchen Employability Schemes to support young people gain experience and qualifications
  • Equipment for and refurbishment of depots
  • New delivery vans and fuel costs
  • Haulage costs (the surplus food we receive is free, but we do incur haulage costs)
  • Agency drivers (we struggle to find enough volunteers to fill up all our driver shifts)

We are very grateful for the generous support from a wide range of Trusts and Foundations.

These are some of our valued funders that make our work possible.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss how you could help The Felix Project rescue surplus food and feed thousands of vulnerable Londoners.

The Loveday Charitable Trust was impressed by the concept of The Felix Project that surplus food which would otherwise be wasted could be targeted to those in need and hungry to help relieve food poverty.

Mark Loveday , Loveday Charitable Trust

We have a long association with The Felix Project and it is hard to under-estimate the good work they do in helping to feed people with food that might otherwise go to waste.

Andrew Jones , Trustee , 29TH MAY 1961 CHARITY

The Felix Project meets a growing need to help look after people, while also solving challenges for retailers and food producers. We love the ambition of the Charity and the passion, energy and kindness shown by all the amazing people who work and volunteer in the Felix project... the Montier Charitable Trust is proud to be able to help in a small way.

Caroline Derougemont , Montier Charitable Trust

We at the Rothschild Foundation recognise that as well as supporting long-term change in the food system, there needs to be urgent action to address the current cost of living crisis. Therefore, we are supporting The Felix Project to help continue its work providing access to healthy and nutritious food in London as well as reducing waste through the use of surplus food.

Rothschild Foundation

We were immediately attracted by the beautiful simplicity of The Felix Project’s idea - redistribution of surplus food to those that need it most in society. But we know that pulling it off at the scale they manage takes clarity of vision, incredible logistical expertise and heartfelt commitment. We're proud to be supporters of The Felix Project and delighted to help support their continued growth.

Kirsten Westlake , Two Magpies Fund

The Ernest Hecht Charitable Foundation is proud to support the Felix Project, as it is not simply an extremely worthy cause, but a well organised initiative, addressing a very real and growing need. The Trustees are impressed by the passion, drive and dedication of the Project’s staff and volunteers.

Ernest Hecht Charitable Foundation

The Gemini Trust is very happy to support the Felix Project. They are a very effective, well run organisation, directly helping those in greatest need. We look forward to a long relationship with this outstanding charity.

Gemini Trust

Mission 44 is delighted to have joined forces with The Felix Project to support their invaluable work tackling food poverty and empower more young people from underserved communities to fight against food waste.

Mission 44

The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund is proud to partner with The Felix Project and tackle food insecurity. Getting good food to good causes – and avoiding food waste – is incredibly important, and The Felix Project’s innovative approach is great to see’

The Prince of Wales's Charitable Fund

To be able to assist The Felix Project both financially and with some volunteering time was one of the easiest decisions we have made. The quantity, and quality, of the surplus food they re-distribute from their warehouses and cook in their kitchen is truly outstanding.

The Jansen Foundation

Top 5 Food Waste Facts

5 food waste facts that will surprise you

The Felix Project host webinar for food industry around new waste legislation

The Felix Project host webinar for food industry around new waste legislation

The Felix Project wins colleague vote to become Citi’s London Charity Partner

The Felix Project is delighted to announce it has been chosen by Citi London colleagues to be its London Charity Partner for 2025-2026.

The Felix Project gets green fingers!

A unique collaboration between The Felix Project and Square Mile Farms has seen another harvest of herbs grown, collected and used by the charity. In total tens of kilograms of sorrel and basil have been grown in Felix’s Canary Wharf office.