Don’t be put off by the time needed for this recipe; all you have to do is mix the dough and leave it in the fridge for a few days to do its thing, though if you’re in a real hurry, 12 hours should be fine. Plain flour will also work if that’s all you have, though bread flour will give the base a chewier texture.

The toppings are even more flexible; yes, you can go with the classic tomato and mozzarella, but anything’s fair game – I’ve seen even seen leftover chips strewn on top in Italy – so go crazy with the half-empty jars at the back of the fridge, the odds and ends of cheese in danger of going furry, that floppy spring onion or wilted bunch of basil. Stick them on top, add a final flourish of chilli oil and eat when it’s still so hot it burns your tongue.


Rise 3-5 days
Prep 5 min
Cook 5 minutes
Makes 4


500g strong bread flour (preferably Italian 00), plus extra to dust
1½ tsp dried active yeast
1 tsp fine salt
1 tsp sugar (optional)


  1. Mix the flour, yeast, salt and sugar then stir in roughly 325ml water to make a smooth dough. Cover and put in the fridge, preferably for three to five days.
  2. Tip on to a lightly floured surface. Divide into four roughly equal portions, shape into balls, cover and leave for two hours.
  3. Heat a heavy frying pan or skillet (preferably cast-iron) over a medium-high flame until an experimental drop of water dances across the surface. Heat the grill to medium-high.
  4. Put one of the balls on to the lightly floured surface and use lightly floured fingertips to press out the middle until you have a rough circle, thicker around the edge, then pick up and stretch the middle out further with your knuckles (it might be helpful to watch a video online).
  5. Cook on the skillet until the base has begun to char, adding toppings when the top begins to dry out.
  6. Once the bottom looks done, grill or blowtorch until the toppings are bubbling and the edges are brown then eat immediately.

If you try this recipe using up the leftovers in your frigdge, we'd love to see! Snap a pic and be sure to tag #FelixFakeAways on social.

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