The Felix Project is celebrating after winning an award at The Grocer Awards 2024.
The charity won the 'Waste Not Want Not' category, thanks to its work rescuing tonnes of fruit from a farm in Kent.
H.E Hall and Son donated their entire organic orchard to the London charity after it became clear the farmer would lose money selling the crops. Peter Hall contacted The Felix Project saying he would rather the fruit went to those in need, rather than letting the fruit simply rot.
The Felix Project took on the challenge. An incredible 1,008 volunteers picked 2.1 tonnes of plums, 49.9 tonnes of pears and 23.3 tonnes of apples, 4 days a week between August and October 2023.
The fruit was then collected by Amazon vans, taken to the charity’s 4 depots and then distributed to hundreds of primary schools and community organisations supporting those experiencing food insecurity.
Charlotte Hill OBE, who was at last night’s ceremony said: ““I am so happy this amazing project has been recognised with an award. This project was a huge undertaking and could not have been pulled off without the hard work of my colleagues at Felix, the incredible volunteers who came in all weathers to pick, Amazon who moved the fruit and of course Peter, the farmer who invited us into his life. Thanks to everyone involved people, who are all struggling to afford to feed themselves and their families were able to enjoy healthy and delicious fruit and for me that is so important. We cannot wait to do it all again this year as we move towards our vision of a London where no good food is wasted and no Londoner goes hungry.”
Peter Hall, farm owner said “I am delighted that, in conjunction with everyone involved, The Felix Project has scooped this timely and prestigious award. It is shocking how much food is wasted in the UK, especially from small family farms like ours and this is made all the more sad because so many people are struggling to access fresh fruit and vegetables. Our partnership with Felix has provided and will continue to provide a supply of organic, tree ripened fruit to those in most need. This has allowed us to make enough of a return to justify retaining our orchards which are also delivering so much more to enhance our local environment and biodiversity. Thank you Felix for giving us this opportunity to help; The Waste Not Want Not Award could not have found a more deserving home.”
John Boumphrey, UK Country Manager at Amazon said: “Amazon was incredibly proud to support this massive farm rescue mission, transporting the fruit from Kent back to London so that thousands of Londoners could enjoy healthy, high-quality produce at a time when many are struggling to put food on the table. Huge congratulations to The Felix Project and HE Hall & Son, your dedication to reducing food waste and supporting vulnerable communities is inspiring.”