Howden Insurance complete cycle challenge for Felix

A team of 11 cyclists have completed an epic challenge, riding from London to Monte Carlo, to raise around £60,000. The money will be split between The Felix Project and 2 other charities,

The team mostly from London, included riders from the Czech Republic and Poland, and also included a Lloyd’s of London Underwriter. They cycled 1,000 miles over 10 days, climbing the equivalent of more than double Mount Everest through the mountains and hills of France including Col de la Croix de la Serra at 1045m and Col de la Bonett at 2802m, one of the highest paved roads in Europe.

The group set off from the Howden offices in central London, with friends and family cheering them on at the start line. They then cycled to Dover, travelled over to France on the ferry and then made their way through the beautiful French countryside.

Alongside the hard work, stifling heat and several bike issues, the team also had plenty of fun. They enjoyed delicious food and sampled some of the various region’s wines along the way. But the main aim of the trip was to raise funds for the charities.

Howden has been a corporate supporter of The Felix Project for the last couple of years, during that time they have donated and volunteered. Owen McGuire from Howden explains: “We are all so impressed by what The Felix Project does. I volunteer as a driver in Poplar and see how everything works and the sheer amount and high-quality food that goes out every day. Knowing that, because of The Felix Project, this food is going to people who really need it instead of going to waste is inspirational and as a team we are thrilled to be helping them in their efforts.”

Louise Bingham is Senior Corporate Partnership Manager at The Felix Project, she said: “In 2023 The Felix Project gave out the equivalent of 32 million meals, and in 2024 we are on course to do even more, but to achieve this takes a lot of resources to receive, store and deliver the food. Getting the support of corporate partners like Howden is vital. Not only are we thrilled they have raised so much, but we want to congratulate every single rider for completing this impressive challenge!” 

To find out more about the ride please click here.