The Felix Project announces the creation of its Technology Strategy Group, created to ensure that digital technology is a positive force and key tool in our mission to deliver 100 million meals per year in London by 2024.
The group members, consisting of external advisors and Felix executives, are all leaders from within their own industries and will bring insight and experience in the areas of food distribution, retail and marketing as they donate their time to advise on The Felix Project’s use of technology and technology investments.
The Technology Steering Group is chaired by Ben Salama, an ex-Accenture Managing Director and expert consultant in the deployment of digital technology across a variety of industries. Ben has also been a Felix volunteer driver for four years. External members include:
David Brown, Senior Technology Manager, Fareshare UK
David leads Fareshare’s technology activities. He and his team deploy and manage a variety of applications to support the Fareshare partner network and ensure successful delivery of surplus food to charities across the UK. David spend’s his time working on causes he feels passionately about. The opportunities he pursues utilise his technical and leadership skills to enable charities to better achieve their goals.
Alice Manion, Principle Product Manager at Ocado Technology
I've worked at Ocado for nearly 10 years, most recently in analytics and product management. Working at a food retailer means I have spent lots of time thinking about how people shop, cook and eat. Felix is playing a huge role in ensuring that everyone is able to access good quality, nutritional food and I'm looking forward to bringing my experience to helping achieve this.
Akshay Navle, Chief Product Officer, Deliveroo
Akshay joined Deliveroo in 2017 as a result of the acquisition of New York based food delivery start-up, Maple. Prior to joining Deliveroo, Akshay was Co-founder and COO at Maple - a delivery only restaurant in New York. He has also held a number of Product Leadership roles at other organizations, such as Quidsi (acquired by Amazon) and was briefly on the other side of the table as a VC at a seed stage fund in New York."
Vincent Richardson, International CTO, Tech for Social Impact, Microsoft Philanthropies
Vincent Richardson is the International CTO at Tech for Social Impact, Microsoft Philanthropies. He joined Microsoft in December 2018 from Concern Worldwide where he served as CIO for over 14 years. Vincent was also a very active member of NetHope where he served as Chairman of the Board before stepping down in 2017. Vincent is passionate about using technology to solve some of the hardest problems that affect our planet and the lives of those less fortunate. Over the years he has developed and led efforts to improve how non-profits collaborate and use technology to be more efficient and effective in their mission and to deliver real impact to the lives of those they serve.
Stephan Wilson, Regional Senior Operations Manager, Amazon Fresh
I've worked at Amazon for nearly 10 years, through a variety of warehouse management roles, including Amazon core Fulfilment Centers and also helping to launch Prime now in the UK. Which specialized in super-fast delivery within 1 and 2 hours from ordering. More recently I have been running the Fresh HUB operations for the UK. I’m super keen and excited to be supporting Felix in their Mission to save food and changing lives.
Notes to Editors
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About The Felix Project
The Felix Project is London's largest food redistribution charity. We rescue good food that cannot be sold and deliver it direct to charities and schools serving people in need. Our vision is a London where no one goes hungry and good food is never wasted. We are on a mission to deliver 38 million meals this year.