By John Richardson
Over recent months I have made several food deliveries to the West London branch of the Equinox, a charity which provides support, care and recovery to people challenged by exclusion and marginalisation due to a range of needs, such as mental health problems and substance misuse. They often see “forgotten people” who desperately need help but are turned away time and again because they do not fit the specification of local services.
Equinox assists people to re-engage with their communities and to find effective strategies for challenges in their lives; services include supported housing, outreach, street engagement and day services. When I arrive with the Felix delivery, residents often help carry the crates of produce, and they especially appreciate cakes, biscuits and vegetables, as long as they're not green! A few weeks ago, we delivered a bright orange fridge which has certainly brightened up their kitchen, and a coffee maker. The new equipment is a welcome addition the kitchen at Equinox's Churchfield Road accommodation.
Visit the Equinox website for more details about their vital work: http://www.equinoxcare.org.uk/
Blog by John Richardson, a volunteer with The Felix Project
Photo: Equinox staff and customers are pleased to have a new coffee maker and fridge, as well as regular food deliveries.