This Volunteers' Week, we've been asking our volunteers what they would say to others who are thinking about volunteering with The Felix Project.

The people you meet, both staff and other volunteers, are friendly and welcoming and are passionate about diverting food from land fill to hungry tummies. Just get stuck in and feel part of helping communities
I enjoy meeting kindred spirits and having a good workout


It's made me more mindful of the food I may waste at home and grateful for what I have
If you've never experienced the fun of chopping the ropey ends off a crate of spring onions you don't know what you're missing! Felix is varied, challenging, rewarding, hard work but extremely satisfying
You'll love it
A friendly and interesting place to spend some of your free time with the added benefit that you are helping people in need. I highly recommend giving it a try
It's life enhancing fun
It's a way to simultaneously reduce food waste and provide those who are in desperate need with a decent meal for the night. It's a great way to do your bit in a short amount of time
Would you like to do something that would help others less fortunate than yourself? Then why not try the Felix Project - they take food that is otherwise going to be discarded and re-distribute it to various charities in the London area.

With a little help from our friends...

The Felix Project wins colleague vote to become Citi’s London Charity Partner

The Felix Project is delighted to announce it has been chosen by Citi London colleagues to be its London Charity Partner for 2025-2026.

The Felix Project gets green fingers!

A unique collaboration between The Felix Project and Square Mile Farms has seen another harvest of herbs grown, collected and used by the charity. In total tens of kilograms of sorrel and basil have been grown in Felix’s Canary Wharf office.

Why collaboration is key to addressing poverty crisis

Why collaboration is key to addressing poverty crisis

Felix finds two thirds of working parents worry about the affordability of healthy food as we welcome Minister and announce a record year of impact

The new year is often seen as good time to try to be healthier, to eat more fruit and vegetables, yet a redistribution charity has found two thirds of working parents are worried that the food they can afford is not very healthy.